Finding Wesley’s piece of art after he passed felt like discovering a love letter written with colors and brushstrokes instead of words. Each detail whispered his deepest desires and most profound struggles, revealing parts of his heart and soul that he had never shared before. It was as if he had poured his entire being onto the canvas, leaving behind a part of himself that I could hold onto forever. This artwork became a bridge between us, allowing me to feel his presence, his warmth, and his unwavering love.
Now, when I see the colors in the world, I imagine he is using his paintbrush to color the sky, the flowers, and all the vibrant hues around me. It reminds me that even in his absence, he is always with me, guiding me through my healing journey. When your children are struggling with life, remember that their deepest desires are present within them, even if they don’t tell you. They want more out of life, and sometimes, their silent battles are the loudest cries for understanding and love.