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Crystal's Butterfly Effect

Embark on a deeply personal and profoundly transformative journey from Pain to Purpose with Transformational coach and Self-Care Muse, Vickie Menendez. In the face of unimaginable loss, Vickie courageously shares her own heart-wrenching experience of losing all four of her children from her first marriage. 'Crystal's Butterfly Effect' is a remarkable testament to the human spirit’s capacity for resilience and healing. Join Vickie as she guides you through the darkest depths of loss, offering invaluable insights and empowering strategies for finding solace, embracing self-care, and ultimately discovering the transformative power of grace. Prepare to be inspired, uplifted, and forever changed by this extraordinary memoir.

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This was one of the many times that I felt their presence. They were saying"Hello MOM", we are here with you. I was thinking about them when all of a sudden this rainbow appeared right in front of me. I have never seen a rainbow this close. My children always show up in the most beautiful ways. . . .I know in my heart when it is a message from them.

Finding Wesley's piece of art after he passed felt like discovering a love letter written with colors and brushstrokes instead of words. Each detail whispered his deepest desires and most profound struggles, revealing parts of his heart and soul that he had never shared before. It was as if he had poured his entire being onto the canvas, leaving behind a part of himself that I could hold onto forever. This artwork became a bridge between us, allowing me to feel his presence, his warmth, and his unwavering love.

Now, when I see the colors in the world, I imagine he is using his paintbrush to color the sky, the flowers, and all the vibrant hues around me. It reminds me that even in his absence, he is always with me, guiding me through my healing journey. And when your children are struggling with life, remember that their deepest desires are present, even if they don't tell you. They want more out of life, and sometimes, their silent battles are the loudest cries for understanding and love.

A gift from Wesley